810.24/257d: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina
For your confidential information, Current Export Bulletin No. 99 of June 720 was issued without consultation with the Department.
This bulletin states that exporters whose products are listed on the so-called non-essential lists may apply for export licenses and receive consideration from Board of Economic Warfare, whether accompanied by Import Recommendation or not, provided the exporter accompanies his application with a letter either establishing the essentiality of the product in the country of destination or proving that denial of such export license would work undue hardship upon the exporter. It is further provided that where importers have been denied Import Recommendations, whether or not the item is on the non-essential list, but can show that the product is essential, such proof should be forwarded by the exporter to the Office of Exports, and each case will be examined on its merits.
The Department is aware that this bulletin may result in adverse repercussions and is attempting to bring about a modification. Please advise immediately of any reaction of government authorities.
- Issued by the Office of Exports of the Board of Economic Warfare.↩