810.24/236d: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina

The Government of Canada has accepted the invitation of the United States to participate in the Decentralization Export Control Plan thereby setting another example of the excellent collaboration between the two countries. The American diplomatic and consular officers stationed in the other American republics are in a particularly appropriate position to implement this policy of cooperation through the functioning of this plan.

Air mail instructions are being forwarded which will set forth in detail the part which the missions will play in the operation of the plan as it concerns Canada’s exports. Total estimates of supply on selected items to be supplied by both countries will be announced by the Department and target tonnages will continue to include the total tonnage of both Canadian and American supplies.

The Canadian Trade Commissioners and Commercial Attaches are being instructed by their Government regarding their collaboration with the American missions in reviewing import recommendations and handling other decentralization matters. In instances where no Canadian representative is present the American mission has been [Page 114] requested by the Canadian Government to act on his behalf. Contact with the Canadian representative should be made promptly for the purpose of effecting a working arrangement. The effective date on which the Decentralization Plan will become operative with respect to the issuance of import recommendations for Canadian shipments is June 1, 1943.

The Canadian Government will notify the respective Governments through the usual diplomatic channels that Canada has agreed to participate in the Decentralization Plan. It has been requested by the Canadian Government that the American missions also notify the Governments to which they are accredited of Canada’s participation in the Plan in order that there may be a full understanding of the part played by each country. The missions are instructed to so proceed. The respective country agencies should also be advised of Canada’s participation in decentralization and of the contemplated procedure of collaboration.

Certain ratios indicating the proportionate exports from the two countries during a normal period will be provided to the missions as a guide in approving import recommendations at a future date. It is the underlying policy of both Governments that in the operation of the Decentralization Plan no advantage should be taken by nationals of either countries at the expense of the other, either in wartime trade or with respect to post-war trading opportunities.
