The Swiss Legation to the Department of State
Through the breakdown of German-Swiss negotiations for a new trade agreement and through the resulting delay in the conclusion of Switzerland’s negotiations in London the supplying of the Swiss [Page 897] Army with essential materials is greatly jeopardized. At the same time the military situation is such as to require of the Swiss Army a high degree of preparedness. Such preparedness can only be achieved if the import of urgently needed supplies is facilitated by the authorities of the United States and of Great Britain. It may also be mentioned that such facilities should be granted whilst the supply routes to Switzerland are still open.
In view of these considerations and out of a desire to strengthen the Swiss Army as far as is feasible, the Swiss Government herewith submits an immediate program95 which would cover the lowest army requirements for the current year.
Although the quantities indicated lie partly far below the actual annual requirements of the Swiss army, no additional requests would be submitted for the army during the current year, if the quantities listed are authorized. At the same time the Swiss authorities would be prepared to distribute the shipments over the next three quarters, so that only a third of the requested amounts would have to be authorized at one time. An exception to this proposal is only the case of oats for which, in view of Switzerland’s extremely serious supply situation, further applications will have to be submitted in the course of this year.
The Swiss military authorities are prepared to justify in detail their army program to the American and British military attachés and to offer every guaranty for the exclusive use of such supplies by the Swiss Army.
The Swiss military authorities would store all such raw materials in the “Réduit National” (army warehouses) until such time as they would be needed for manufacture. In this way every possible control would be exercised over the use of these materials.
It is hoped that the American authorities will be anxious to assist the Swiss Army in its desire to maintain that standard of military preparedness and efficiency which is essential for the defense of Switzerland.
- Not printed.↩