740.00112 European War 1939/9883

The Swiss Delegate in Charge of Trade Agreements at London (Keller) to the Parliamentary Secretary of the British Ministry of Economic Warfare (Foot) and the Head of the Economic Warfare Division of the American Embassy in the United Kingdom (Riefler)80

Dear Mr. Foot and Mr. Riefler: I thank you for your letter of to-day concerning the proposals contained in the Swiss Government’s memorandum dated November 18th, 1943, and wish to confirm that your communication accurately sets forth the intentions of the Swiss Government and the undertakings which they agree to give. I further confirm that your letter together with the present acknowledgement will be regarded by the Swiss Government as constituting a formal and binding agreement between our three Governments.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Keller
  1. Transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in the United Kingdom in his despatch No. 12903, December 22, 1943; received January 4, 1944.