740.00112 European War 1939/8631: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 5—5:20 p.m.]
3838. Embassy’s telegram No. 3714, May 31, 12 midnight. The War Cabinet has at length approved the idea of a proposed parallel approach of our two Governments to the Swiss with regard to the railway transit traffic and the following is the text of the memorandum which the Foreign Office plans to present to the Swiss Minister here:
“As a result of recent developments in the Mediterranean theatre of war, the use of the Swiss Railways has come of greater importance than ever to the Axis Powers and is likely to increase in importance with future developments. It would not be surprising if the German Government were to press the Swiss Government to grant permission to pass troops and military stores through Switzerland. His Majesty’s Government have no doubt that the Swiss Government would reject [Page 845] any such request, and they would be glad to receive an assurance to this effect from the Swiss Government.
His Majesty’s Government have been glad to learn from His Majesty’s Minister at Bern of the assurance recently given to him by M. Pilet-Golaz that the Swiss customs had always had instructions to exercise the right of examination of traffic, even of sealed waggons passing through Switzerland; that the examination had not shown any important irregularities and that the vigilance of the Swiss authorities would not be relaxed.
This does not, however, diminish the desire of His Majesty’s Government to obtain assurances from the Swiss Government that any future requests from the Axis Powers inconsistent with Swiss neutrality will be rejected. As regards the definition of military stores His Majesty’s Government wish to point out that any oil despatched through Switzerland must in present circumstances certainly be intended for military use. His Majesty’s Government would therefore be glad of an assurance that the Swiss Government are not permitting and will not permit the carriage of any oil whatsoever through Swiss territory.”
The Foreign Office suggests Thursday, June 10, as a date for our parallel action and would appreciate receiving the concurrence of the Department and BEW.