The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State 11
November 9, 1943
In view of the erroneous interpretation ascribed to the cablegram of courtesy which the Minister of Foreign Affairs sent on October 18th in reply to one addressed to him by Mr. J. P. Laurel from Manila, on the 13th of the same month, the Spanish Government is interested in letting the United States Government know what follows:
- 1.
- The cable in question is an act of courtesy towards the Philippine people, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by this same people in addressing our own. It was dictated exclusively by the sentiments which every phase of the Philippine life inspires to Spain, [Page 735] because of the affinity of blood, religion and language which link the Spanish people to the Philippines, with which they shared life until fifty years ago, creating between both countries a confraternity which embraces all moral and material phases, and which makes of the Philippines, independently from whatever its political situation and its international position may be, a country spiritually bound to Spanish tradition. It is precisely because of that, that Spain, appreciating as it does appreciate the Philippine people without distinctions of any kind, refrains from any act of a political character which might be interpreted as partiality towards a country for which it only wishes all kinds of prosperity and well-being.
- 2.
- In thus establishing the true significance of the cable, completely devoid of all political aspects, and, consequently, of all act implying, even indirectly, recognition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs wishes to emphasize the point, so as to avoid at any time a disfigured interpretation which might serve as a foundation for a campaign tending to disturb the good relations existing between the Governments of Spain and the United States, and which, for our own part, have been proved time and again by evident and ostensible acts of a manifest good will.
- Reprinted from press release of November 9, 1943, Department of State Bulletin, November 13, 1943, p. 325.↩