853M.6363/27 Suppl: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador to the Belgian Government in Exile (Biddle), at London
Belgian Series No. 7. Department’s 710, February 2.88 There is reason to believe that petroleum products delivered in Angola are used for benefit of enemy nationals. Since distribution there is not properly regulated, Department and Board of Economic Warfare feel that shipments to Angola should be restricted. This cannot be done effectively without controlling exports of petroleum products to Angola from the Belgian Congo. According to the American Consul at Loanda, these exports included 1,375 metric tons of diesel oil during 1942. We should like to obtain the cooperation of the Congo authorities to prohibit the shipment of petroleum products to Angola, except with the approval of the American Consul at Leopoldville, who would be guided by the recommendations of the Department and the Consul General at Loanda.
You are requested to ascertain whether the Belgian Minister for Colonies89 would agree to an export control of this sort. In order to be effective, the control should be extended to all types of petroleum products obtained from all sources, including the United States. We hope the Minister will appreciate the need of such regulations, particularly since they are in line with the article in the proposed tripartite agreement90 which provides for the establishment in the [Page 589] Congo of an export control for economic warfare purposes. “We feel some further justification for our request in the efforts we are making with the British to provide supplies, including petroleum, for the consumption and industrial requirements of the Congo. As you know, there will be a commitment to this effect in the tripartite agreement. These supplies are intended for use in the Congo and should not be reexported, since the scope of the agreement does not include the requirements of other territories, such as Angola.
Please report by telegram the results of your conversations with the Minister. This message is being repeated to Leopoldville for the Consul’s confidential information.
- See footnote 87, p. 587.↩
- Albert de Vleeschauer.↩
- For correspondence in regard to negotiations between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Belgium for a tripartite agreement relating to imports from and exports to the Belgian Congo, see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. ii, p. 1 ff.↩