811.20 Defense (M) Portugal/1091: Telegram
The Minister in Portugal (Fish) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 12—4:25 p.m.]
1303. Department’s 963, June 1. In company with the British Ambassador I visited Salazar this afternoon, informed him that our Government was prepared to accept the prolongation until June 30 [Page 524] of the old agreement on condition that we get 50% of the pool instead of 25, and expressed disappointment of my Government that he should have seen fit to conclude with Germany a favorable wolfram agreement without first informing our Government the interests of which were so vitally involved.
The British Ambassador speaking on behalf of both of us then told him that we would [seek?] from him certain details regarding the German agreement in order that we might make our own plans and we left with Salazar a joint statement of the information we would require, with the understanding that he would examine it and give us a reply. A copy of this statement34 is being forwarded to the Department by the next pouch which should go forward in a day or two.
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