740.00112 European War 1939/9877: Telegram

The Chargé to the Norwegian Government in Exile (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

20. [Norwegian Series,] For Department and FEA. I have consulted EWD and carefully considered your 8055, December 21, 7 p.m., suggesting that in my discretion I inform Norwegian Government in detail of reasons for originally withholding approval for shipments of machinery from Sweden for repair of Norsk Hydro plant at Heroya.

Since your telegram indicates that Norwegian request is being reconsidered I feel it would be preferable to await outcome of that reconsideration before advising Norwegians of reasons for original refusal. If because of special factors the reconsideration should result in a favorable decision, the suggested action would become unnecessary. If the original position is maintained, we may then still advise Norwegians of reasons determining our decision.
