Algiers Consulate General Files: 710

The Personal Representative of President Roosevelt in North Africa (Murphy) to the High Commissioner of French North Africa (Giraud)

My Dear General Giraud: I did not fail immediately to communicate the substance of your letter of February 9, 1943,90 to the President of the United States who has authorized me to state in reply that the Government of the United States regards you as the trustee in the United States for French interests, military, economic and financial which are associated or become associated with the movement of liberation now established in French North and West Africa. In view, however, of the relationship which exists between the United States Government and the French National Committee, it is not possible to accord you recognition as trustee in the United States of French interests not associated with your movement.

[Page 59]

Inasmuch as it has been agreed in Article III of the joint memorandum that the French nation and the French people are the only ones who may fix their representation and designate their Government, and that the question of the future Government of France is not capable now of final solution, no question of the recognition of a French Government will arise until the French people are free to express their will. Consequently the question of a French diplomatic and consular service does not arise. My Government, however, welcomes civilian representation on the French military mission now in the United States.

The question of representation in other countries including those of South and Central America by missions similar to those envisaged above is a matter for discussion between the countries concerned and the French High Command. Should these countries ask my Government for advice they would be informed in the sense of the foregoing paragraphs.

I have been instructed, however, to inform you that with this understanding you may be assured of the wholehearted cooperation of the United States.

Please accept [etc.]

Robert D. Murphy
  1. See telegram No. 172, February 9, 6 p.m., from the Consul General at Algiers, p. 52.