740.00113 European War 1939/1076

The Acting Secretary of State to President Roosevelt

My Dear Mr. President: In your letter of July 3087 you requested that you be kept informed of developments with respect to the fines and levies imposed by the German occupation authorities on the Jewish Community in Tunis. There are attached paraphrases of cables which have just been sent to Algiers and London88 setting forth the position of this Government with respect to this matter.

The position taken by this Government is that funds should be given to the Jewish Community to cover the fines and levies and the obligation assumed by the French authorities in the first instance. The reasons for this position are (1) full relief can only be effected by having the French authorities assume responsibility at [Page 297] this time, and (2) such action is desirable from the standpoint of psychological warfare. In the cables under reference, it is also suggested that the position of this Government be brought to the attention of the appropriate French authorities, but it should at that time be pointed out that we recognize that the ultimate decision is, naturally, a matter for the French to determine.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the cables under reference were discussed with representatives of the Treasury Department and had the full approval of the Secretary of the Treasury.

Faithfully yours,

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
  1. Not printed.
  2. See telegram No. 2048, November 2, supra.