851B.24/110: Telegram
The Consul General in Martinique (Malige) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:11 p.m.]
140. The High Commissioner protests in writing against first the requisitioning of the Guadeloupe and second the ship’s despatch to French Guiana, of which he learns from Marquais and Gallantiere, respectively. He terms the actions most unfriendly because violating the Gentlemen’s Agreement, vexatious because aiding dissidents and harming the faithful, and unworthy of “a great nation pretending to base its policy on the principles of the Atlantic Charter”95 because tending to induce revolt by starvation. He makes all reservations as to political and litigious consequences and does not recognize that “your Government, as long as you represent it here, should inform me of its decisions through an ordinary propaganda service”.
- Joint statement by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill on August 14, 1941, Foreign Relations, 1941, Vol. i, p. 367.↩