851T.001/16: Telegram
The Personal Representative of President Roosevelt in French West Africa (Glassford) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 24—2:56 a.m.]
381. Following telegram has been sent to Algiers.
182, June 23, 1 p.m. For Murphy. Can you give me any further information on the attitude of the Liberation Committee as it has developed toward Boisson.
The Gaullists and other critics of the Governor General ([Amis de Combat?], Action Républicaine, Union National [des Anciens?] Combattants) are disposed to say that Boisson has sold Dakar to the Americans who are therefore keeping him in office; that in fact the Governor General is now relying to a great extent on American support and is still in office because [of] us. For the time being at any rate this reaction appears to be prompted entirely by exasperation [Page 163] with Boisson’s tenacity and not by any real mistrust of our intentions with respect to French West Africa.