Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Alger Hiss, Assistant to the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck)
I called Colonel Goodfellow and informed him of the view which had been expressed by officers of the Department. I then asked him whether O.S.S. would desire to receive the Department’s views in some more formal manner stating that unless O.S.S. should decide to drop the matter of sending transmitting station to Tibet, I believed that the Department would wish to press its objections more strenuously.
Colonel Goodfellow was most agreeable and reasonable about the matter and seemed to perceive the cogency of the objections to the proposed action. He said that he would pass our views on to the interested officials in the O.S.S. and that he would let me know if there was any disposition to continue favorable consideration of the project.
Colonel Goodfellow made only one statement of significance that we have not already been familiar with. He said that it had been the thought in O.S.S. that the transmitter would be available in Tibet for American use. I did not comment on this point and he did not seem to think that it warranted any reconsideration on our part.