The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Stimson)
My Dear Mr. Secretary: The Department is informed that the Chinese Government has requested the allocation of a number of trucks, under Lend-Lease arrangements to be utilized on the proposed new route for Lend-Lease supplies to China via Karachi, Iran, the Soviet Union, and the Province of Sinkiang. As you may be aware from copies of cables which have been supplied to your Department, our Embassy at Kuibyshev has recommended that if practicable this Government, by making trucks available, should lend its support to the attempts being currently made to open this new route.
The Department understands that consideration is being given to a proposal that, subject of course to appropriate safeguards relating to supplying of Lend-Lease equipment, a substantial initial allocation of trucks be made in the near future. Although I am not conversant with all the details of the matter I may say that it is the view of this Department that it would be helpful in our relations with China if this Government could assist the Chinese Government in this matter. [Page 597] Accordingly, I venture to recommend the proposal under reference to your favorable consideration,
Sincerely yours,