761.93/1722: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State

1079. Embassy’s 939, June 16, 10 a.m.99 In a despatch of June 15, Clubb at Tihwa reports that the Governor of Sinkiang has informed him that roughly three-fifths of the Soviet troops formerly stationed in the province had already reached the Soviet Union; that one-fifth were in movement toward the Sinkiang-Russian border; that the remaining fifth were temporarily in Hami; and that the Russian Air Force planes had not yet left and would probably comprise the last unit of the Soviet military establishment to depart. Governor Sheng stated also that all of the Soviet military and technical advisers had left Tihwa and that while some were still in other points in the province awaiting transportation they had ceased functioning.

According to the special Commissioner for Foreign Affairs at Tihwa, the Soviet troops and advisers were being withdrawn upon initiative of the USSR Government. The Commissioner stated that the Chinese had not requested that the Soviet troops be withdrawn and had in fact, upon learning of the proposed withdrawal of the advisers, endeavored to persuade the Soviet Government to continue the latter in service in Sinkiang. The Commissioner added that the advisers, whose number he gave as 112 for the entire province, had not exercised any political authority in Sinkiang.

Despatch follows.

Repeated to Moscow.

  1. Not printed, but see despatch No. 11, June 5, from the Consul at Tihwa to the Chargé in China, p. 249.