893.001 Chiang Kai-shek/15

The Chinese Ambassador (Wei) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform you that I have just received the following message, dated December 7, 1943, addressed by the Chairman of the National Government of the Republic of China to the President of the United States of America:

“I find it difficult to express the great pleasure I felt in meeting you. Madame Chiang was particularly delighted to see you again shortly following the memorable visit to your country.

“Our recent conference in the neighborhood of Cairo is momentous and historic. The official communiqué is hailed by the Chinese army and people, just as it is hailed elsewhere. In heralding a sure and complete victory, the conference crystalized as never before our war aims in the Far East. It vindicated the full cooperation and firm solidarity of the United Nations. While giving renewed impetus to every soldier and civilian on our side, it sealed the fate of Japan, our ruthless common enemy. It has in fact laid the corner stone of a just and lasting peace after the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. Because of your high ideal of justice, the conference proved a success which will, I am certain, have favorable repercussions in the world military situation.

“May I express to you my deep appreciation for the noble spirit and broad vision you have consistently shown in dealing with world problems particularly for the unfailing assistance you have repeatedly rendered to China.

“Madame Chiang joins me in sending you our heartiest greetings and she wishes to be kindly remembered to Mrs. Roosevelt.”

I shall be greatly obliged if you will be good enough to transmit the above message to its high destination.

I am [etc.]

Wei Tao-ming