
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

No. 3936

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s No. 680 of June 13, 4 p.m., and subsequent instructions and to my telegraphic reply [Page 130] No. 1170, July 17, 6 p.m.48 I first presented orally the matter of closing Chilean telecommunication circuits to the Foreign Minister and followed it up on July 13 with a written communication to the Foreign Minister, copy of which is enclosed, to which I received a reply on July 14, a translation of which is also enclosed.

Taking my cue from the statement in the last paragraph of the Minister’s letter that if we presented proof of the misuse of the communication circuits the Chilean Government would take prompt action, I went to see the Foreign Minister today and allowed him to see translations of intercepted telegrams from the German Embassy transmitted over authorized Chilean telecommunication circuits, which contained not only information dangerous to hemispheric defense but proof of subversive activities of the German Ambassador and members of his staff as well. A copy of my oral remarks to the Foreign Minister is enclosed.48 It will be seen therefrom, and from my telegram No. 1170 of July 17, 6 p.m., that he expressed himself as convinced of there having been misuse of the radio circuits and misuse of diplomatic immunities by members of the staff of the Embassy and said that he was considering the matter with the President. He referred to his inquiry whether prohibiting the sending of code messages by Axis Embassies would be regarded in the nature of a solution by us and expressed surprise that he had not received my communication to him of July 13 in which I stated that such action would be helpful in decreasing the dangers to our cause of maintenance of these circuits. I have sent him a replacement copy of this communication.

Respectfully yours,

Claude G. Bowers
[Enclosure 1]

The American Ambassador (Bowers) to the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs (Barros Jarpa)

My Dear Mr. Minister: I have the honor to refer to our recent conversation in which, under instructions from my Government, I informed you that the telecommunication connections which Chile maintains with Axis territory were being employed to carry to the Axis Governments information of vital importance from all parts of this hemisphere with respect to the movements of individual ships and ships in convoys, and that we had confidential information bearing this out.

I have now again been instructed by my Government to bring to your attention the serious concern with which my Government views the continued [Page 131] operation of facilities whereby the enemy is able to interrupt the lines of communication indispensable to the common defense of the American Republics and to destroy the lives and property of citizens of these Republics. My Government feels that shipping, which is just as vital for the survival of Chile as that of the United States, is daily being lost because of Chile’s maintenance of the channels through which the Axis is provided information without which it would not be able successfully to maintain its attacks on the vital communications of the various American Republics.

In effect, my government has felt that the prompt action of nineteen of the American Republics in severing direct communications with territory under the control of the Axis is nullified to a large extent by the fact that Chile and Argentina have not taken similar measures.

Since our conversation, I have been informed by my Government that the Argentine Minister of the Interior on July 11th issued instructions that all of the provisions of Resolution No. XL of the Conference at Rio de Janeiro shall be completely implemented. With the execution of the instructions of the Argentine Minister of the Interior, Chile would therefore be the only nation remaining in the Western Hemisphere through which military intelligence detrimental to hemispheric defense would be permitted to flow to the Axis.

My Government therefore asks me to convey its views that it is more urgent than ever before that Chile undertake action to sever the telecommunications circuits which it now maintains with Axis territory since their continued operation would provide a channel that might be used by Axis agents throughout the hemisphere.

Believe me [etc.]

Claude G. Bowers
[Enclosure 2—Translation]

The Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs (Barros Jarpa) to the American Ambassador (Bowers)

My Esteemed Mr. Ambassador: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the communication of Your Excellency dated the 13th instant in which you refer to our recent conversations concerning the use of telecommunication between this country and those of the Axis.

Because of these conversations this Ministry has concerned itself, with every interest, to consider with the Ministry of the Interior, to which corresponds the taking of the measures referred to, the best form of drafting them and assuring their efficient and satisfactory application.

[Page 132]

Careful consideration will be given to the antecedents and points of view which Your Excellency has expressed to me, for following with the same interest the consideration of the matter in order to take adequate measures which I shall shortly have the pleasure of making known to Your Excellency.

I must also express to Your Excellency that, if there are sufficient reasons to assure that, under the regime concerning telecommunications existing up to now—which is not one of absolute and unconditional liberty—it has been possible really to commit the abuses to which Your Excellency refers and should this Ministry have concrete antecedents respecting the matter, the application of the corresponding measures and sanctions will be hastened.

Please accept [etc.]

Ernesto Barros Jarpa
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.