810.74/355a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

3046. Meeting is being arranged Monday July 6 with Sir Campbell Stuart and representatives of RCA to discuss the closing of the circuits to Axis countries operated by consortium stations at Buenos Aires and Santiago. As a result of concerted action by the various American Republics, the United States and the American companies concerned, direct telecommunications between the other American Republics and the Axis have been shut down with the exception of the two stations mentioned above and I. T. & T. radio-telephone station in Buenos Aires. It is possible, of course, that should the consortium stations close their Axis circuits the Argentine and Chilean Governments might establish circuits of their own. It is believed, however, that at this time it is psychologically bad, not to say incongruous, for British and American communication companies to allow stations over which they have the control and in which they have a financial interest to facilitate the stream of intelligence between South America and the Axis so detrimental to the best interests of Great Britain, the United States and the other United Nations.

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In connection with the meeting referred to above, Department would appreciate receiving at your earliest convenience as full information as possible concerning the trust which operates the consortium station whose seat is in London, the personnel thereof, the exact relation between the trust and Cable and Wireless and the British Government, whether and if so how the German interest in the trust has been taken over by the British, what has been done with the Italian and French interests in the trust, and in general the attitude of British interests involved concerning the closing of the consortium stations’ Axis circuits. In all your dealings with British officials and company representatives, you should constantly emphasize the fact that the closing of Axis circuits to Latin America is a vital factor in the campaign to end submarine warfare in the waters of this Hemisphere.

Please give this matter your most urgent and careful attention.
