
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Walmsley)6

The gist of Brigadier Gomes’ gratuitous remarks on Condor to me last night7 was:

Condor, irrespective of origin or background, did and should still render highly important service to Brazil.
Condor has been for some time much more Brazilian than Panair.
It is Brazil’s prerogative to determine how Condor should be reorganized to make it completely Brazilian.
Condor is now making flights which are primarily of a military nature, at his orders. Crews on these flights are by and large Brazilian reserve officers and pilots.
There are some sort of contract obligations which make it immediately impossible to change the name; but eventually this should come.
Brigadier Gomes expects and wants in due course our assistance in technical aspects of operation and equipment.

W. N. Walmsley, Jr.
  1. Addressed to Philip O. Chalmers, Randolph Harrison, Jr., Philip W. Bonsai, and Livingston Satterthwaite of the Division of the American Republics, and Laurence Duggan, Adviser on Political Relations.
  2. Brig. Eduardo Gomes was on an official visit to the United States at this time.