810.20 Defense/2527: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

1022. In connection with the permission previously granted by the Brazilian authorities for the operation of United States Navy patrol planes from Maceió, Aratu (Bahia), Recife and Natal and, in order to provide accommodations for flight and ground crews as well as to assure adequate storage and maintenance facilities, the Navy Department urgently desires that permission be obtained from the Brazilian Government for the construction of the following additional aviation facilities:

(a) At Maceió a seaplane base; at Aratu (Bahia) a seaplane base; at Recife a landplane base; at Natal a landplane base.

In the case of each of the foregoing the following will be required: Barracks, messing and sanitary facilities for 50 officers and [Page 659] 300 men; a radio building; a nose hangar; additional underground storage adequate for 50,000 gallons of gasoline; two ammunition magazines and additional land sufficient to provide for all of the facilities aforementioned.

(b) It is also desired to construct a seaplane base at Natal, the requirements for which will be identical with those enumerated above, except that barracks, messing and sanitary facilities for only 25 officers and 200 men are needed. Thus, at Natal, both landplane and a seaplane bases are contemplated.

The Navy Department does not desire, for the present, that permission be obtained for the erection of any facilities at Rio de Janeiro or Santos.

It is contemplated that the new facilities would be constructed under a contract with the Pan American Airways, Incorporated. These would, of course, be additional to the work now being performed by that company under the original contract of November 2, 1940, consisting primarily of the construction of surfaced runways for each landplane base, a ramp for each seaplane base and surfaced parking areas and gasoline storage at all of the bases and the recent supplemental contract.

While the additional area of land required at the four bases will vary somewhat according to the terrain and other local factors, it is estimated that approximately 30 acres, exclusive of the area required for magazines, will be needed in each instance. Owing to the necessity for placing magazines at a distance of between 1,000 and 2,000 feet from other structures, a study will have to be made at each base in order to determine, on the basis of security, accessibility and land requirements, the most suitable location. It is proposed that, in accordance with previous practice, the land will be purchased by and title taken in the name of the Pan American Airways, Incorporated.

In view of the urgency of this matter, you are requested in your discretion at once to endeavor to obtain the desired permission of the Brazilian authorities and to reply by telegraph.
