
Memorandum by Mr. John E. Peurifoy of the American Hemisphere Exports Office78

I have transmitted a copy of Mr. Armour’s letter79 to Colonel Lord80 with the request that he furnish me with his comments.

With reference to despatch no. 4808,81 concerning the proposed revocation of outstanding export licenses, it does not appear feasible to submit a list of doubtful licenses now outstanding to our missions in Argentina. Such a step would involve reviewing thousands of outstanding licenses. The Department has been furnishing the Embassy with lists of all applications granted subsequent to March 24, and upon the mission’s request, all licenses to which they objected have been revoked. I believe we are faced with the necessity of letting [Page 354] those licenses go which are outstanding, hoping that the new procedure which is now in effect will prove satisfactory.

I should think that in reply to Mr. Armour’s letter, it will be desirable to point out the procedure now followed by the Board and the Department, i.e. transmitting abstracts of the licenses issued in order that the Embassy’s approval may be obtained. I realize that this action is taken after a license has been issued, but I do not believe that there is any other method which could be instituted which would meet the present situation unless, of course, there is a white list established, and from Mr. Armour’s letter I take it he is opposed to such a list.

I will send you Colonel Lord’s comments on Mr. Armour’s letter when they have been received.

John E. Peurifoy
  1. Addressed to the Chief of the Office (Ravndal) and the Assistant Chief (Doyle).
  2. Dated April 16, p. 341.
  3. Col. Royal B. Lord, Assistant Director of the Board of Economic Warfare.
  4. Dated April 21, p. 348.