835.24/522: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

767. With regard to Department’s willingness to ask the Board of Economic Warfare to revoke all outstanding Argentine licenses issued between October 10 and March 1, mentioned in Department’s cable 513, April 13, 9 p.m., it is quite doubtful if Argentina will approve. Officials both of the Foreign Office (see strictly confidential despatch No. 4808, April 21) and of the Central Bank have strictly informally advised that they would be afraid to make such a recommendation, first, because of criticism that might ensue and second, because they fear some much needed merchandise now consigned to unsatisfactory parties might, through cancellation, not reach the country. They wish to know if it would not be possible for the Department to supply a list of the licenses outstanding, giving type of merchandise, quantity, and the name of the Argentine importer. With this list they could recommend those to be rejected. While the above is strictly unofficial, it is apparent that this will undoubtedly be the official position taken later. Consequently the Embassy would like advice as to the possibility of meeting their request.
