710.Consultation 3/425: Telegram

The American Representative ( Welles ) to the Secretary of State

39. In a 4-hour meeting between the Argentine, Peruvian and Chilean Foreign Ministers and Aranha and myself I am glad to say [Page 33] that a satisfactory agreement was reached upon the text of a joint inter-American declaration for the severance of relations with the Axis Powers.

The text is as follows:

  • “(1) The American Republics reaffirm their declaration to consider every act of aggression on the part of a non-continental power against one of them as an act of aggression against all of them since such act constitutes an immediate danger to the liberty and independence of America.
  • (2) The American Republics reaffirm their complete solidarity and their determination to cooperate as one for their mutual protection until the effects of the present aggression upon the Continent shall have disappeared.
  • (3) The American Republics consequently declare that in the exercise of their sovereignty and in conformity with their constitutional institutions and powers, provided the latter are in agreement, they cannot continue their diplomatic relations with Japan, Germany and Italy since Japan has attacked and the others have declared war upon a nation of the Continent.
  • (4) Finally, the American Republics declared that before reestablishing the relations mentioned in the preceding paragraph they will consult among themselves in order that their determination may have a collective and solidary character.[”]

The Argentine Government has officially accepted this text: the Chilean Minister has accepted likewise but with the proviso that he must obtain official approval from his Government.
