740.00112A European War, 1939/10035a Suppl.: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Reference Department’s previous instructions regarding status of French firms for Proclaimed List purposes. The Department believes that the recent military and political developments in both continental France and the French African territories have now produced a situation which permits and requires a definite determination of the status of all French enterprises in the American republics with respect to our Proclaimed List and related policies. Accordingly you are requested to review the status of all French enterprises which have been under observation and to report promptly any such persons or firms who maintain any commercial or financial relations with continental France, or who currently are “collaborationist” or “pro-Axis” in political sympathies, or who maintain any corporate or other business connections with enterprises in continental France. We are now prepared to place any such persons or firms on the Proclaimed List and recommendations for such action should be forwarded to the Department promptly.

In this connection it is suggested you consult your British colleague with particular regard to reviewing the status of any French enterprises which may be presently classified as “starred black list” cases on the MEW War Trade Lists.

The Department’s circular instruction of October 9, 194224 regarding use of undertakings in connection with French firms remains in effect except that all continental France is now to be treated as occupied France was previously treated for this purpose.

In particular a prompt reply is requested with respect to the status of any Havas Telemundial or Teleradio agency operations in your country. Havas Teleradio has been denied Treasury licenses for funds for further operations in the United States and its operations have ceased here. If the Havas agency is continuing to operate in your country a recommendation for its inclusion in the Proclaimed List should be forwarded to the Department. For your confidential information the Office of War Information here is endeavoring to establish or contact a French news service to Algiers and this service for special purposes may use the name Havas but will in fact have no connection with the old Havas agencies except that they may use certain of the former Havas personnel in New York.

  1. Not printed.