740.00112A European War 1939/6749b: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Department postponed publication of forthcoming revision of Proclaimed List and further supplements pending current developments and clarifications.
Revision one of Proclaimed List consolidating original list and seven supplements to date will be published about February 7. All new deletions approved since Supplement No. 7 will be reflected in the Revision. No new additions will be made in this Revision. However, numerous changes in firm titles, form of listings, spelling, addresses and other corrections are made. The listing arrangement is changed to use of mail address form for most firm titles. Cross references previously contained in parentheses are eliminated and given separate alphabetical listings. Cross indexing generally eliminated except for few special situations. These changes may cause some erroneous impressions that new additions, and deletions other than those specified, have been made but close comparison with superseded original list and supplements will show changes merely reflect new arrangement, or correction of names of firms or persons previously included on list. A few apparently meaningless firm titles have been eliminated entirely.
Magnitude of revision task may result in some new errors or inaccuracies and continuance of others, but after careful study Department is satisfied changes made will provide more satisfactory list for future operations. It is essential that in the future all firm titles should be reported in full mail address form.
New deletions to be reflected in Revision will be telegraphed shortly. Revision is now in proof.
Air mail instructions are being sent covering names approved by Committee for addition to Proclaimed List in next supplement, which will be Supplement No. 1 to Revision one.
Beginning with this supplement if the government to which you are accredited has broken all Axis ties you are authorized, if you consider it desirable and feasible, to consult with appropriate officials concerning cases being proposed for addition to list. In your discretion you may explain that although it is necessary to continue Proclaimed List control policies in order to assure hemispheric defense interests and in order to facilitate channeling of available essential goods to friendly persons and firms in American republics we desire to consult and cooperate closely on these matters with interested governments which are committed to positive cooperation against Axis aggressions.
Where consultation on proposed additions results in government’s request that specific cases not be listed we are prepared to consider foregoing listing provided prompt and effective measures are taken by government to eliminate inimical elements from firm and to assure future satisfactory supervision of firm’s activities. On all such cases full reports should be promptly forwarded to Department. Similarly we may in appropriate cases delete certain firms on basis of satisfactory corrective action being taken by government or the firm. Consultation procedure is particularly applicable to native citizens of American republics. Further instructions will be air mailed shortly. Please telegraph your views regarding consultations on these matters with government to which you are accredited before undertaking such consultations.
Supplement No. 1 will not be published until missions have had opportunity for such local consultations on pending additions as seems feasible and desirable. Since this will require several weeks delay all cases recommended for addition to Proclaimed List are placed temporarily on confidential list until supplement is published.
British and Canadian representatives are now participating regularly on Proclaimed List Committee. Arrangements are being developed for having coordination of lists for Western Hemisphere handled in Washington and lists for other areas coordinated in London through MEW Blacklist Committee on which we are now represented. Effective coordination of lists here requires closest coordination and cooperation with British in field.