710.Consultation (3)/812
The Argentine Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Argentina34
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has considered the memorandum presented by the Ambassador of the United States on the 6th instant, regarding the application, on the part of the Argentine Government, of certain resolutions approved at the Meeting of Río de Janeiro. The Ministry believes that only through erroneous information can it be affirmed that the delay in the application of those resolutions “has [Page 203] permitted the continuance by Axis agents in Argentina of espionage and other activities designed to defeat the war effort of the United States and of the other American Republics now at war, and to undermine the collective integrity and solidarity of the continent”. The energetic official intervention in the few concrete cases thus far known makes it possible to affirm, indeed, that on the part of the Argentine Government there has been no lack of diligence or of interest in the suppression of that kind of situation, which the memorandum, morever, limits itself to indicating in general terms. The Government of the United States may be assured that the Argentine Government will not disregard any concrete denunciation that may be brought to its attention regarding the existence of centers of espionage or of activities dangerous to continental defense.
In this sense, it is fitting to point out that in accordance with Resolutions II, VI and VII of the Meeting of Habana,35 the Chancellery, on June 27, 1941, issued instructions to the Embassies and Legations in America to the effect that, in the event that passport visas should be requested for foreign consuls and employees who had been serving in the offices that were closed in the American countries by reason of the severance of relations with the Axis countries, any decision should be reserved, subjecting it to previous consultation with this Ministry which, moreover, has in no case authorized the admission of that personnel.
With the exception of the diplomatic mission of the United States, no other American diplomatic mission has pointed out the activities of undesirable persons traveling to Argentina. In the only cases formally denounced by the diplomatic mission of the United States, appropriate action has been taken immediately. It is thus that decrees of expulsion have been issued against four German citizens: Carlos Arnold, Walter Giese, Fred von Kockritz Fryland and Enrique Volberg. All have been carried out, excepting that relative to Enrique Volberg, by reason of his being involved in proceedings instituted against him before the Criminal Court of the Capital. By reason of the same denunciations residence in the Republic has been prohibited to Rudolph Borgolte and Augusto Eisner.
The Executive Power has just sent to the National Congress a bill to regulate the right of assembly whereby, in accordance with the spirit of Resolution XVII of Rio de Janeiro, there are prohibited assemblies intended to divulge ideas contrary to the system of the National Constitution, of democratic institutions and of the fundamental laws, or tending to supplant that system with any other based [Page 204] on force or despotism. By the same bill the use of emblems, symbols or printed matter inspired by the same tendencies is suppressed. It is to be noted that the Edict relative to Public Assemblies adopted by the Police of the Capital on June 25, 1941, which is in full force, contains provisions in the same sense. Furthermore, the decree of May 15, 1939 requires all associations functioning in the country to comply with democratic principles and prohibits their depending in any way on foreign governments and entities, provisions which at that time led to the closure of various German institutions.
In the Ministry of the Interior there functions a special organization of “Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Argentine Activities” which acts as a centralizing and coordinating organ of police activities intended to control, watch and suppress any activity contrary to the democratic system and the institutions of the country.
The Direction General of Posts and Telegraphs, from the point of view of radiocommunications, has adopted effective measures to eliminate, in so far as possible, the clandestine stations as well as transmissions contrary to Resolution XL of the Third Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Río de Janeiro. To this end, by a progressive action of control, the Direction General of Posts and Telegraphs has thus far adopted the following measures: a) Intensification of the services of radioelectric control for the location and closure of clandestine stations; b) Suspension of the communications of station LVA (Air France) with foreign stations, limiting its activities to exclusive communications relating to the flights of Aeroposta Argentina; c) Suspension of the radioelectric services of the stations of the Sindicato Condor located at Quilmes (LVW) and at Las Heras (Mendoza) LVJ; d) Suspension of the functioning of radioelectric stations belonging to amateurs throughout the territory of the Nation; e) Stricter control of messages exchanged between private enterprises of public telecommunications services.
Although there exist radiocommunication companies that maintain direct circuits of public service with the Axis countries and countries occupied by the Axis, they are subject to the control provided for by the laws and regulations which, of course, excludes any activity that may affect continental security.
Moreover, the strict measures of control adopted by the Argentine Government to watch internal and external movements of funds, for the protection of continental security and solidarity, within a general action to avoid possible future activities on the part of the agents to whom reference is made in the Embassy’s memorandum, are well known. Related to them are the decrees issued by the Executive Power on June 15 last, it being possible to state confidentially that in accordance with their provisions the following companies have already been intervened by placing observers therein: Merk Química [Page 205] Argentina, La Química “Bayer” S. A., A. J. Roemmers y Cía., Química Schering S. A., Instituto Behring de Terapéutica Experimental, Thyssen Ltda, “Thyssen-Lametal”, Sociedad Tubos Mannesmann Ltda., Cía. Platense de Construcciones Siemens Baunion, Cía. Platense de Electricidad Siemens Schuckert, “Inag” Fábricas Reunidas de Utiles Sanitarios, Siemens y Halske, G. E. O. P. E. Compañía General de Obras Públicas, and Hugo Stinnes Ltda.
This summary of background information, the clear significance of which admits of no doubt, permits the assertion that the Argentine Government has instituted, in defense of the security of the continent, a plan of control in keeping with the resolutions of the Meeting of Río de Janeiro, which will be gradually completed in the methodical and progressive manner which the organization and the administrative requirements of the country may permit.
- Transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 5694, July 10; received July 16.↩
- Department of State Bulletin, August 24, 1940, pp. 130 and 132; for correspondence concerning the Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics at Habana, July 21–30, 1940, see Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. v, pp. 180 ff.↩