- Acheson, Dean, 304, 353, 366, 473, 532, 537, 567, 571
- Aguilera, Lt. Col. Andrés, 473, 477, 488, 491
- Aguirre, Salvador, 369
- Aircraft Export Corporation, New York, 265
- Albemarle Island (Galápagos Islands), 261–262, 300
- Albertini, Oscar Diaz, 239
- Alfaro, Colón Eloy, 258n, 261, 267, 271, 273, 292, 294n, 296, 299–300
- American Smelting and Refining Co., 404
- Anderson, Luis, 82, 91
- Andrews, Gen. Frank M., 503
- Argaña, Luis, 476, 478–479, 483–484, 490n, 490–491, 495
- Argentina, trade agreement with United States, Oct. 14:
- Arias, Arnulfo, 415, 423–424, 425, 427, 431–432, 452, 467, 469
- Arroyo del Rio, Carlos A., 273, 275, 276, 277–278, 280, 282, 285, 286, 291–292, 294
- Avila Camacho, Gen. Manuel, 377, 388, 397, 398–399
- Baldomir, Alfredo, 591n, 603–604
- Barbaro, Comdr. Joseph R., 291
- Barber, Lt. Col. Henry, 125–126
- Barber, Willard F., 334–335, 336–341, 343–345
- Bateman, Alan M., 403
- Batista, Fulgencio, 97n, 98–108 passim, 117–118, 122, 131, 138n, 144, 147, 149, 162–165, 176–189 passim, 200, 216, 218, 221, 224, 227, 234, 235, 236, 238, 242, 249
- Bellido, Dr., 510–511
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 102, 171, 349, 610, 611
- Bernhardt, Joshua, 250
- Bolivia, 527
- Bonsal, Philip W., 94, 95, 103, 110, 156, 188–189, 310, 333–339 passim, 442–445, 513, 517
- Brazil, 527
- Bressman, Earl N., 334, 335, 485
- Brin, Carlos N., 415n, 419–422, 424–425, 429, 430–431, 442–443, 445, 467
- Buenaventura Guerrero, Col. Ernesto, 17
- Burgess, Col. W. K., 259–260, 263
- Bursley, Herbert S., 384, 387–388, 390, 391, 392, 395
- Calderón Guardia, Francisco, 86n
- Calderón Guardia, Rafael Angel, 82n, 84, 84–85, 86n, 86, 89, 90–91, 92–93
- Carbajal, Carlos, 550n
- Casanova, José Manuel, 234, 235, 249
- Castillo, Ramón, 9
- Castillo Nájera, Francisco, 371–372, 373–374, 376, 384, 385, 388, 391–392, 396, 397, 399
- Castro, David, 310n
- Castro Martinez, José Joaquin, 13n, 13, 15–16, 17–18, 25, 34
- Chavez, Juan, 546–547
- Claims. See under Cuba and under Mexico: General settlement.
- Clayton, W. L., 65, 142n, 143, 228, 229, 280, 281, 285
- Coffee Agreement, Inter-American (1940), 55
- Collado, Emilio G., 61–63, 156, 169–170, 189, 192, 310–311, 333, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340
- Colombia, 1–81
- Agreements with United States:
- Export-Import Bank, extension of credits, 3, 6, 7, 28, 31–32, 34, 56, 57, 60, 61–63, 63–69, 70–73, 74
- Financial assistance by United States, Colombian request for. See Export-Import Bank, supra; Hemisphere defense: Military and economic requirements, infra; and Stabilization fund, infra.
- Foreign debt service, U.S. good offices in negotiations for resumption of payments, 56, 58–59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 70, 72, 75–81
- Hemisphere defense, cooperation with United States on
certain military measures for, 1–39
- Air and naval bases, establishment and use of, 4, 8–10, 12, 15, 16
- Assurances by President Santos, 3–4, 12, 16, 35, 36, 38; Roosevelt message to Santos, 38
- Consultative meeting of Foreign Ministers of American Republics, proposed, 9–12, 14–15
- Military and economic requirements, discussions concerning, 2–3, 4–8, 15, 16, 17–22, 24–26, 28–38, 55–56, 57–60, 66–67
- Nazi Germany, Colombian attitude toward, 13–14, 15–16, 39
- Panama Canal, defense of, 3, 5, 16, 36, 38, 59–60
- Severance of diplomatic and consular relations with Germany and Italy, 39
- Survey of Old Providence Island and Cartagena, 1–2, 2
- U.S.-Colombian staff recommendations, formalization by exchange of notes, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14–15, 22–23; U.S. draft note and Colombian changes, 23–24, 27–28
- Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, discussions regarding, 4–5, 15, 17–18, 19, 20–22, 24–26, 28–30, 32–35, 36–38
- Platinum, U.S. efforts to conclude agreement for purchase of entire Colombian production, 40–55
- Severance of diplomatic and consular relations with Germany and Italy, 39
- Stabilization fund authorized by U.S. Treasury Department, 73–74
- U.S. good offices. See Foreign debt service, supra.
- Concha, Carlos, 520
- Concheso, Aurelio F., 101, 117n, 117–118, 122, 125–126, 144, 148, 223n, 224
- Condor Airline, 277
- Cooke, Morris Llewellyn, 401, 402
- Códova, Roberto, 387–388, 391, 395
- Cortina, José Manuel, 97, 98, 99, 100, 108, 116, 118, 127, 128–129, 130, 132–133, 136, 137–141, 144, 146–147, 147–153, 162–163, 164, 165, 172, 177, 178–179, 181, 184, 185–188, 189, 190, 195, 196–199, 200–202, 214, 217–218, 227–228, 230–231, 233–234, 236–237, 237, 238–239, 240, 246–249, 250–251, 252
- Costa Rica, 82–96
- Costigan-Jones Act (1934), cited, 199
- Cuba, 97–252
- Claims of American citizens (including Morris claim), discussions concerning settlement of, 134, 139, 142, 143, 144, 148–149, 149–150, 154, 165–169, 171, 183–184
- Declaration of war on Japan, Germany, and Italy, 112, 214, 215–216, 222
- Economic cooperation with United States. See Financial assistance, Sugar, and Trade agreement, infra.
- Export-Import Bank credits. See Financial assistance, infra; also Sugar: Financing of, infra.
- Financial assistance by United States, question of
Export-Import Bank credits for development program, 127–195
- Claims of American citizens, relation to. See Claims, supra.
- Cuban proposals, negotiations concerning: Comments and recommendations by U.S. Ambassador regarding, 127–133, 165, 166–169, 192–193; memoranda by Cuban Minister of State and other officials, 146–153, 190–191; U.S. position on conditions for credit program, and discussions concerning, 133–146, 153–166, 170–172, 191–193
- Establishment of $25,000,000 credit for agricultural diversification and public works program:
- Projects under consideration:
- Agricultural diversification and public works. See Establishment of $25,000,000 credit, supra.
- Construction of air fields, funds for, 104–105, 107
- Establishment of a central bank with agricultural credit facilities, 132, 137, 146–147, 153–154, 155–156, 158–159, 161–162, 170–171, 172; assistance of an American technical mission, 135, 140, 190–191, 193–195
- Financing of sugar. See under Sugar, infra.
- Gold purchase, 191, 192, 194, 195
- Habana waterworks, rehabilitation of, 135, 142, 143–146, 151, 158, 159, 162, 164–165, 172–176
- U.S. Technical Mission to Cuba, 190–191, 193–195
- Visit of Warren Lee Pierson to Cuba and discussions with Cuban officials, 172–183, 185
- Fourth of September, 1933, 138n
- Guantánamo Naval Station, 103, 110–112, 113–114, 115
- Hemisphere defense, discussions with United States regarding
certain military measures for, 97–115
- Air fields, question of establishment and use of, 104–109
- Guantánamo Naval Station, proposed agreement for extension of area, 103, 110–112, 113–114, 115
- Lend-Lease assistance for military and naval equipment and for construction of air fields, 103, 104–105, 107
- Military alliance with United States, and U.S. military mission to Cuba, question of, 97–101, 102–103
- Military and naval aircraft, renewal of reciprocal arrangement with United States permitting flying over and landing in territory of either country, exchange of notes May 26 and June 12, 101–102
- U.S. military-naval mission to Cuba, discussions concerning, 97–101, 102–103, 109, 112–113, 114–115
- Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, 116–126
- Morris Claim, U. S. efforts to secure settlement of, 134, 139, 142, 143, 144, 148–149, 154, 166, 167, 171
- Sugar:
- Customs duty and quota system (see also Trade agreement negotiations, infra), 136, 150, 158, 159, 162
- Export-Import Bank credit. See Financing of, infra.
- Financing of, and arrangements for Export-Import Bank credit to finance production of an additional sugar quota during 1941, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136–138, 150, 151, 170, 176–177, 182–183, 227–237
- 1941 production, arrangements with Export-Import Bank to finance an additional quota. See Financing of, supra.
- 1942 crop, U. S. purchase of, 222, 237–252
- Trade agreement negotiations regarding, 196–197, 199, 204–206, 208–211, 214–216, 220, 222–227, 238, 241, 245–246, 248
- U.S. purchase of entire 1942 crop, negotiations and exchange of notes, 222, 237–252
- Trade Agreement with United States, Second
Supplementary Agreement, signed Dec. 23, 196–227
- Citation to text, 227
- Considerations with respect to cattle, 198–199; rice, 201–202, 203, 207, 212, 213, 217, 218–219; sugar and molasses, 196–197, 199, 204–206, 208–211, 214–216, 220, 222–227; tobacco and cigars, 198, 205, 212, 217–218; various other items, 205, 206, 207, 212–213, 218–219
- Cuban petition for, and preliminary discussions, 136, 141, 196–202; U.S. proposals, 202–208
- Negotiations, 209–227
- Political considerations, 215–216, 219–220, 221, 222–223
- Sugar (see also under Considerations, supra): Duty reductions and import control, President Roosevelt’s approval of recommendations regarding, 208–209; legislation pending in U.S. Congress, 209–211, 214–216, 223–227
- Treaty of residence and establishment, discussed, 135–136, 140–141, 150
- Dasso, David, 517n, 525n, 525–526, 528, 530, 535
- Declaration of Lima (1938), cited, 18n, 20, 122, 253, 318, 410, 480
- Defense of the Western Hemisphere. See Hemisphere defense under Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru.
- Defense Supplies Corporation, 237, 242, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 280n, 285–290, 592, 593
- De la Rue, Sydney, 323–327 passim
- De Martini, Frank E., 299, 300
- Dennis, Fernand, 323n, 324, 325, 328–329, 330, 334–335, 338, 339, 345, 348
- De Roux, Raúl, 414n, 426–427, 435, 436–438, 450–452, 462, 462–463, 467
- Dominican Republic (see also Haiti: Commercial convention with Dominican Republic): Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, signed Aug. 2, text, 253–255; Supplementary Agreement, signed Aug. 6, 256–257
- Drew, Gerald A., 513
- Duggan, Laurence, 17n, 20–21, 61–62, 66–67, 117–118, 160, 223–224, 278, 296, 333, 334, 335, 384, 385, 388, 442
- Echandi, Alberto, 83, 84, 90, 90–91, 92–93, 95
- Ecuador, 258–309
- Agreements with United States:
- Lend-Lease Agreement, negotiations for, 291–297; conclusion of agreement, Apr. 6, 1942, 297n
- Military aviation mission to Ecuador, additional article to agreement of Dec. 12, 1940, signed Apr. 30, 1941, 309
- Naval mission to Ecuador, additional article to agreement of Dec. 12, 1940, signed Apr. 30, 1941, 309
- Trade agreement of 1938, discussions concerning termination of certain provisions, 298–309; modification by exchange of notes, Mar. 2, 1942, 309n
- Airlines, U.S. interest in elimination of German
influence from, 270–290
- Pan American-Grace Airways, establishment of passenger and mail service in Ecuador:
- Sedta, elimination of:
- Boundary dispute with Peru, 301, 506n, 517–518, 526
- Export-Import Bank loan, discussed, 298–300, 301
- Hemisphere defense, cooperation with United States on certain
military measures for, 258–269
- American aviation mission, reports and recommendations, 258–260, 263–265
- Cooperative defense agreement with United States, 267–269; text of U.S. note, 268–269
- Galápagos Islands, U.S. interest in for defense purposes, 258, 261–262, 265–267, 300–301; patrol activities by U.S. Navy, 266–267
- Transfer of two U.S. naval patrol vessels to Ecuador, proposed agreement for, 260–261, 262
- Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, negotiations for, 291–297; conclusion of agreement, Apr. 6, 1942, 297n
- Public works, proposed Export-Import Bank loan for, 298–300, 301
- Trade agreement with United States (1938), discussions concerning modification of, 298–309; exchange of notes, Mar. 2, 1942, 309n
- Agreements with United States:
- Ecuapetrol (German oil syndicate), 291–292
- Eddy, George A., 194
- El Salvador, 310–312
- English, Benedict M., 387–388, 391, 395
- Ent, Lt. Col. Uzal G., 498n, 505n, 507, 513n, 514, 517
- Escalante, Diógenes, 610, 611, 611–612
- Estigarribia, Gen. José Félix, 477, 484, 490
- Export-Import Bank. See Cuba: Financial assistance and Sugar; also under the following: Colombia; Ecuador; Haiti: Financial relations; Paraguay; and Uruguay.
- Farish, W. S., 400–402
- Faucett Airline, services in Peru, 505, 506
- Federal Loan Agency, 8, 53, 66, 135, 142, 143, 144, 153, 158, 170, 237, 280n, 406, 486–487, 495, 508, 527, 529, 531, 590–591
- Feis, Herbert, 49–50, 408
- Finletter, Thomas K., 47n, 49
- Finley, Harold D., 322–328 passim, 333–334, 338–339, 343, 344
- Fombrun, Charles, 345n, 354–362
- Ford Company, 470
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 322–331, 344
- Forrestal, James V., 110, 297
- Fowler, William A., 226, 580–581
- Freyre y Santander, Manuel de, 499n, 508–510, 512, 515–516, 519, 520–521
- Fulmer-O’Mahoney Sugar Bill (1941), cited, 215, 221, 223, 247n
- Gaines, Lt. Comdr. Willard R., 513n, 514
- Galápagos Islands. See under Ecuador: Hemisphere defense.
- García Montes, Oscar, 177, 179, 180, 182, 185–195
- Gardner, Walter R., 194
- Germany, activities and influence in South American countries. See Colombia: Hemisphere defense; Costa Rica: German and Italian ships at Puntarenas; Uruguay: Rio Negro hydroelectric project; Venezuela: Oil; also Airlines under Ecuador and Peru.
- Gil Borges, Estebán, 607, 608
- Gilmore, Eugene A., 574, 593
- Giorgi, Luis, 596n, 602, 603, 604
- Gomez, Laureano, 4
- Good neighbor policy, 417, 450–451
- Grucci, Felipe S., 569n, 572, 575, 581
- Guani, Alberto, 549–572 passim, 581, 591, 593, 594, 595–597, 599, 600–602
- Guantánamo Naval Station, 103, 110–112, 113–114, 115
- Guatemala, agreements with United States, 313–316
- Guerrero, Col. Carlos Alberto, 286, 290, 292
- Habana Convention (1940), cited, 5n, 23
- Habana Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (1940), resolutions cited, 268, 314, 315, 316, 368, 369, 377, 412
- Haiti, 317–367
- Accord of Aug. 7, 1933:
- Agreement of Sept. 13, and exchange of notes, replacing Accord of Aug. 7, 1933:
- Agriculture and economy, arrangement with United States regarding development of, 366–367
- Commercial convention with Dominican Republic regarding preferential treatment to Dominican imports, proposed, U.S. attitude toward, 350–366
- Financial relations with United States (see also
Accord of
Aug. 7, 1933, and
Agreement of
Sept. 13, supra):
- Bonds of 1922 and 1925 loan contracts:
- Export-Import Bank credits, 337, 338, 340, 341, 347, 367
- Modification of financial setup in Haiti, negotiations leading to agreement for. See Agreement of Sept. 13, supra.
- Office of Fiscal Representative, elimination of, 332–333, 334, 338, 340, 341, 347
- Public works (J. G. White program), 337, 340, 347, 367
- Rubber development plan, 335, 337, 338, 340, 366
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 322–331, 344
- Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, 351, 352, 353, 354, 358, 361, 362, 364–365, 365
- Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, signed Sept. 16: Memoranda concerning, 317–318; text, 319–321
- Preferential customs treatment to imports from Dominican Republic, U.S. attitude toward proposed Haitian-Dominican commercial convention, 350–366
- Société Haitiano-Américaine de Développement Agricole, 367
- Trade Agreement with United States (1935), 351, 354, 355, 357, 358, 361, 362–365, 365
- U.S. Military Mission to Haiti, agreement signed May 23, 321
- Visit of President-elect Lescot to United States, and discussions with U.S. officials, 331–343
- Hawkins, Harry C., 244, 252, 306–307, 546, 567
- Hebard, Maj. R. W., 496
- Hebard & Co., Inc., R. W., 485, 487, 492, 494, 497
- Hemisphere defense, military measures for. See under Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru.
- Henderson, Leon, 243
- Hernández Martínez, Gen. Maximiliano, 310n
- Honduras, agreement with United States to cooperate on certain measures for Hemisphere defense, exchange of notes signed Dec. 18 and 26, 368–370
- Hooker, John S., 122n, 484
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 486
- Hull, Cordell, 208–209, 400–402, 438–439, 450–451, 542
- Illingworth Ycaza, Vicente, 286, 290, 294n, 295, 298n, 302, 304, 306, 309
- Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, 351, 352, 353, 354, 358, 361, 362, 364–365, 365, 545
- International Petroleum Co. (Canada), 273, 274–275
- Italy. See Costa Rica: German and Italian ships at Puntarenas.
- Japan, relations with Colombia, 6, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 71, 72, 74; Ecuador, 275; Mexico, 404, 405; Peru, 502, 526, 527, 528, 535, 542, 547; Uruguay, 591
- Johnson, Lt. Col. Byron F., 18n
- Joint Army-Navy Advisory Board on American Republics, 120, 294
- Jones, Jesse H., 59, 186, 187, 300, 338, 340, 486–487
- Knox, Frank, 120–121, 260–261, 261–262
- Lacroix, Abel, 348, 355–356, 360
- Laguardia, Mr., 177, 181, 182
- Lamb, Eric, 484, 485
- Larco Herrera, Rafael, 517, 518
- League of Nations, 363
- Lend-Lease program:
- Act of Mar. 11, 1941, cited, 4, 17, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 57, 104, 260n, 261, 294, 318, 475, 477, 480, 493, 524, 551, 611; Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriations Act of Oct. 28, 1941, cited, 121n, 311, 611
- Agreements with—
- Cuba: Negotiations, and request for additional credits, 116–122, 125–126; text signed Nov. 7, 122–125
- Dominican Republic, text signed Aug. 2, 253–255; supplementary agreement signed Aug. 6, 256–257
- Haiti: Memoranda concerning, 317–318; text signed Sept. 16, 319–321
- Nicaragua, text signed Oct. 16, 410–413
- Paraguay: Negotiations, 473–479; publication of information concerning, question of, 480, 483–484; text signed Sept. 20, 480–483
- Discussions and negotiations with—
- Lescot, Elie, 323, 325, 327, 331–341 passim, 345, 353, 357, 360
- Livesey, Frederick, 75
- Lleras Restrepo, Carlos, 55n, 68, 78, 80
- Loftin, Comdr. Frank, 550n
- Lopez, Alfonso, 2, 31, 65, 68, 79
- López Castro, Amadeo, 177–182, 185, 187, 213, 216, 220–221, 242, 249, 250
- Lopez Contreras, Gen. Eleázar, 607n, 608
- Lopez de Mesa, Luis, 35n, 35–38, 39, 41n, 42, 43, 49
- Lufthansa airline, cancellation of contract in Peru, 503–504, 505
- Lyall, George, 82n, 83, 84
- MacMorland, Col. Edward E., 294
- Mañas, Arturo Manuel, 239, 240, 241, 244, 249
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 109, 444, 498
- Martino, Capt. Ramón, 494
- McClure, Wallace, 318, 479
- Medina Angarita, Gen. Isaias, 607n, 612, 613
- Melby, John F., 302
- Melgar, Gen. Fernando, 517
- Mendivil, Javier, 555n
- Menocal, Raúl, 164n, 172–176
- Mersereau, James F., 177, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188–189, 250
- Mesa, A. R., 494
- Metals Reserve Co., 40–55 passim, 524–535
- Mexico, 371–409
- Defense, 376, 377, 383
- Economic cooperation between United States and Mexico, 375–376, 380, 384, 393–395, 399–400, 402–403; trade agreement, proposed, 382, 384
- General settlement of outstanding questions with
United States, 371–403
- Agrarian properties: Settlement of claims, 376–377; U.S. protection of American citizens with regard to acquisition of, 387–393
- Agreements reached, Nov. 19:
- Claims, settlement of (see also Agrarian properties, supra, and Oil, infra), convention and exchange of notes, Nov. 19, 395–397
- Currency stabilization credit, 381–382
- Foreign debt, 378, 383–384
- Highway financing, 382, 384
- International waters, 378–380, 384
- Negotiations leading to settlement:
- Oil, settlement of American claims, 372–375, 377–378, 383, 384–387, 396–397, 400–402; U.S. import quota for, 380
- Silver, 380–381
- Military aircraft, agreement with United States to facilitate reciprocal transit of, Apr. 1, 408–409
- Strategic and critical materials, negotiations for agreement with United States regarding export control of, 403–407; decree of July 10 establishing control, 407–408
- Montevideo Conference of American States (1933), resolution cited, 352, 353, 354
- Moore, Col. James T., 506, 507, 508, 513n, 514
- Morgan, Stokeley, 280–285, 287, 290
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 59
- Morinigo, Higinio, 489
- Morris Claim. See under Cuba.
- Munilla, Maj. Felipe, 125–126
- Munro, Dana, 322
- Nicaragua, agreements with United States, 410–413
- Nufer, Albert F., 190n, 212
- Oil. See under Mexico: General settlement; also under Peru and Venezuela.
- Paez, Maj. Jorge, 259, 271, 272, 292n
- Panagra. See Pan American-Grace Airways under Ecuador: Airlines.
- Panair. See Pan American Airways.
- Panama, 414–472
- Convention of Nov. 18, 1903, with United States, cited, 417, 422, 446, 456, 467, 469, 471–472
- Fiscal jurisdiction in the Canal Zone, U.S. assertion of treaty rights against Panamanian claim to, 468–472
- General treaty of friendship and cooperation with United States, Mar. 2, 1936, obligations under, 414, 416–440 passim, 445, 447, 456, 467, 469, 472
- Panama Canal, defense of:
- Relief from double income tax on shipping profits, arrangement with United States respecting, effected by exchange of notes Jan. 15, Feb. 8, and Mar. 28, 472
- Twelve-point request by Panama to United States. See under Panama Canal, defense of, supra.
- Panama Canal. See under Panama; also under Colombia: Hemisphere defense.
- Pan American Airways, 106, 107–108, 109
- Pan American-Grace Airways. See under Ecuador: Airlines.
- Paraguay, 473–497
- Economic and financial assistance from United States. See Export-Import Bank credits and Lend-Lease agreement, infra.
- Export-Import Bank credits: Desire of Paraguay for additional credits, 484; discussions concerning projects to be financed by, 484–492; Paraguayan acceptance of certain U.S. proposals, and U.S. interest in implementation of projects, 492–497
- Lend-Lease agreement with United States, 473–484
- Peláez, Lt. Comdr. Rolando, 125–126
- Peru, 498–548
- Agreement with United States for detail of U.S. military adviser to Remount Service of Peruvian Army, signed Apr. 15, 535
- Airline, elimination of German influence from: Cancellation of Lufthansa contract, 503–504, 505; U.S. interest in development of civil aviation in Peru, 505–508
- Boundary dispute with Ecuador, 301, 506n, 517–518, 526
- Faucett Airline, services in Peru, 505, 506
- Hemisphere defense, cooperation with United States on certain military measures for, 498–503
- Lufthansa, cancellation of contract, 503–504, 505
- Oil fields (Talara), protection of, 498–502
- Peruvian National Airline, 506
- Strategic materials, agreement between Metals Reserve Co. and Peru for purchase of exportable surplus of, 524–535; Peruvian decrees of June 18 and Aug. 12, 529–530, 533
- Trade agreement with United States, negotiations for, 535–548
- U.S. requisition of planes in transit to Peru, representations by Peruvian Government, and discussions concerning, 508–512, 513–519; payment of compensation, 512–513, 520–524
- Pierson, Warren L., 105, 107, 169, 172–183, 185, 189, 228–229, 240–242, 486, 488, 496, 497
- Prado y Ugarteche, Manuel, 499n, 501–503, 503n, 504, 506, 522
- Proclaimed List, 502
- Ravndal, Christian M., 502n
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 22, 40n, 280n, 281, 286, 287, 524n
- Reinebeck, Otto, 91–92, 93, 95
- Renshaw, Capt. Harry A., 295
- Revoredo, Col. Armando, 511, 512
- Richling, José, 549n, 552, 553, 559n, 598n, 602, 603
- Roletti, Gen. J. A., 550n, 553, 555, 556
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 38, 208n, 209n, 293, 328, 398–399, 417, 421, 426, 429, 444, 452, 542n, 573, 614
- Rosenthal, Louis S., 194
- Rubber: Development plan in Haiti, 335, 337, 338, 340, 366; U.S.-Costa Rican agreement concerning, 96
- Saladrigas, Carlos, 99, 177, 179, 181, 185, 187, 233–234, 236
- Salazar, Carlos, 313n, 315–316
- Salazar, Fernando, 75–77
- Santos, Eduardo, 1n, 2–41 passim, 49, 55–56, 57–60, 64–65, 68, 79
- Santos, Enrique, 14
- Satterthwaite, Livingston, 65, 610–611
- Schuirmann, Capt. Roscoe, 103, 110–111
- Sedta. See under Ecuador: Airlines.
- Silveira Zorzi, Fermín, 575, 580–581, 582, 586–587
- Skoda Works, 294
- Smith, H. Gerald, 302, 546–547
- Soler, Juan José, 478n, 479, 484n, 486–487
- Solf y Muro, Alfredo, 499, 504n, 517n, 530
- South American Gold and Platinum Co., 44, 47, 53–54, 54, 55
- Spears, W. O., 262
- Spiegel, Harry, 194
- Standard Fruit Co., 470
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 400–402
- Stark, Adm. Harold R., 109
- Strategic and critical materials: Colombia, U.S. efforts to conclude agreement for purchase of entire production of platinum, 40–55; Mexico, agreement with United States concerning export control of, 403–408; Peru, agreement with Metals Reserve Co. for purchase of exportable surplus of, 524–535
- Strong, Lt. Col. Carl H., 4, 18
- Sugar. See under Cuba.
- Sugar Act of 1937, cited, 206, 209, 215n, 221, 222, 223, 225, 246, 247n, 544
- Sugar Stabilization Institute (Cuba), 139, 150, 176, 229, 233, 235–236, 239n, 240, 249–250, 250, 257
- Sweden, commercial convention with Uruguay (1936), cited, 591n
- Tamayo Cortes, Col. Francisco, 17
- Tariff Act of 1930, cited, 572
- Tobar Donoso, Julio, 258n, 267, 268, 272, 275, 281–282, 282–283, 298n
- Torres Bodet, Jaime, 404–405
- Trade Agreements Act, June 12, 1934, cited, 543, 573
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Convention regarding provisional administration of European colonies and possessions in the Americas, July 30, 1940, cited, 5n, 23
- Declaration of Lima (1938), cited, 18n, 20, 122, 253, 318, 410, 480
- Habana Convention, July 30, 1940, cited, 5n, 23
- Inter-American arbitration convention (1929), cited, 343
- Uruguay, commercial treaty with Japan (1934), cited, 591; with Sweden (1936), cited, 591; with United Kingdom (1935), cited, 582
- U.S.–Costa Rica. See Costa Rica: Agreements with United States.
- U.S.–Dominican Republic, convention concerning collection and application of customs revenue, signed Sept. 24, 1940, modifying convention of 1924, cited, 328
- U.S.–Ecuador. See Ecuador: Agreements with United States.
- U.S.–El Salvador, agreement for detail of a U.S. military officer to serve as Director of the Military School and of the Military Academy, signed Mar. 27, 312
- U.S.–Guatemala. See Guatemala.
- U.S.–Haiti:
- U.S.–Honduras, agreement to cooperate on certain military measures for Hemisphere defense, exchange of notes signed Dec. 18 and 26, 368–370
- U.S.–Mexico:
- Agreements of Nov. 19. See under Mexico: General settlement.
- Claims convention of 1923 and protocol of 1934, cited, 395; of Nov. 19, 1941, 395–397
- Military aircraft, agreement to facilitate reciprocal transit of, Apr. 1, 408–409
- Strategic and critical materials, agreement regarding export control of, 403–408, 408n
- U.S.–Nicaragua. See Nicaragua.
- U.S.–Panama:
- Arrangement regarding relief from double income tax on shipping profits, by exchange of notes, Jan. 15, Feb. 8, and Mar. 28, 472
- Convention of 1903, cited, 417, 422, 446, 456, 467, 469, 471–472
- General treaty of friendship and cooperation (1936), cited, 414, 416–440 passim, 445, 447, 456, 467, 469, 472
- U.S.–Peru, agreement for detail of U.S. military adviser to Remount Service of Peruvian Army, signed Apr. 15, 535
- U.S.–Venezuela, agreement respecting a naval mission to Venezuela, signed Mar. 24, 614
- Turbay, Gabriel, 4n, 7, 15, 22, 28–29, 30–32, 57–59, 61, 61–63, 63–65, 66–67, 70, 72, 73–74, 78
- Ulloa, Alberto, 258
- United Exploration Co., 486n
- United Fruit Co., 470
- United Kingdom:
- Costa Rica, British representations concerning German and Italian ships at Puntarenas, 82–83, 84
- Peru, British purchase of strategic materials from, 528, 530, 531–532, 535
- Trade agreement with United States (1938), cited, 205; with Uruguay (1935), cited, 582
- Uruguay, trade relations with, 562, 576, 578–579, 580, 581, 582, 583–584, 584, 585
- Urdaneta Arbelaez, Roberto, 4, 8–10
- Urrutia, Col. Francisco, 291, 292, 295n
- Uruguay, 549–606
- Arms purchases in United States. See Lend-Lease Agreement, infra.
- Aviation instruction for Uruguayan officers in United States, request for, 550–551
- Commercial treaties with Japan (1934), 591; with United Kingdom (1935), 582; with Sweden (1936), 591
- Export-Import Bank loan, question of, 551, 596, 605
- Germany, relations with. See Rio Negro hydroelectric project infra.
- Herrerista group, 557–558, 561
- Lend-Lease Agreement with United States, discussions regarding, 549–558
- Rio Negro hydroelectric project, question of U.S. assistance in completion of, 594–606
- Trade agreement with United States, negotiations for, 558–590
- British trade relations with Uruguay, effect on negotiations, 562, 576, 578–579, 580, 581, 582, 583–584, 584, 585; Anglo-Uruguayan trade agreement of 1935, cited, 582
- Consideration of reopening of negotiations, 558–569; public notice of intention to negotiate, 565–566
- Progress of negotiations, reports and discussions, 569–590
- Provisions of agreement: General provisions, 559, 560, 563, 564, 566–569, 570–571, 574–575, 580–583, 584–585, 586, 587, 587–590; most-favored-nation provisions, 560, 562, 566, 572, 573–574, 575–576, 577, 578, 579; résumé of 1939 negotiations, 580–583
- Relationship to U.S.-Argentine negotiations and concluded agreement, 558–577 passim, 584–590
- Wool and hides, negotiations with United States for purchase of exportable surpluses, 590–594
- Van Voorhis, Maj. Gen. Daniel, 5, 12, 418n, 423–424, 441
- Venezuela, 607–614
- Vest, George B., 194
- Vidal, Gustavo, 270, 273
- Vincent, Stenio, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 331
- Walmsley, Walter N., Jr., 75, 110–111, 122, 156–157, 220–221, 223–224, 226–227, 230–231, 242, 249
- Warren Brothers claim. See Cuba: Claims of Americans citizens.
- Weeks, Lt. Col. John A., 550n
- Welles, Sumner, interest in U.S. relations with Colombia, 4n, 14, 22, 23, 59n, 60, 63, 66, 67, 69; Cuba, 97, 102–103, 109, 118, 133–136, 156–157, 192, 242; Dominican Republic, 255, 257; Ecuador, 258, 265, 267, 295, 296–297; Haiti, 347–348; Mexico, 371–376 passim, 382, 385, 387; Panama, 419–423, 424–425, 442–445, 451–452, 452–453; Paraguay, 473–474; Peru, 498, 500–501, 512, 519, 520; Uruguay, 549–550; Venezuela, 607, 608–609
- West, Robert K., 177, 181, 182, 485, 488–490
- West India Oil Co., 468, 469, 470
- Western Hemisphere, defense of. See Hemisphere defense under Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru.
- White, Francis, 323, 326, 330, 343–344, 349
- White, Harry D., 194
- Wilson, Orme, 103, 114–115, 125–126, 261, 294, 317–318, 473, 480
- Wright, Charles Will, 486
- Wright, James H., 46–47, 75–77
- Yingling, Raymund, 518–519
In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary’s or Acting Secretary’s personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.
Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.