823.796/152: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Norweb) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:10 p.m.]
98. Department’s telegram No. 52, March 28, 6 p.m. President Prado was very gratified with the message for him about the cancellation of the Lufthansa contract, and when I gave it to him Sunday morning at a meeting in connection with the geographical conference he called the Foreign Minister18 to join us so that the latter could hear what he had to say. The President stated that action in the Lufthansa case is one step in Peru’s cooperation in hemisphere; that we may expect similar “frank and convincing” cooperation in other matters; and that the Peruvian Government is determined to give full support to the United States in measures for the protection of the American continents.
The President’s attitude indicates that Peruvian policy now is moving toward decisive action along the same lines as our own and reflects an opinion similar to the Brazilian one in this respect. It will be most useful to me in future conversations with the Minister for Foreign Affairs to be able to refer to the President’s unequivocal statements.
If the strength of the present administration in Peru is maintained so that the President’s expressed policies can be made effective the situation here will be greatly improved. … I am encouraged by the President’s declaration …
- Alfredo Solf y Muro.↩