
The Panamanian Ambassador (Brin) to President Roosevelt



In keeping with the traditional friendship and community of interests which have always existed with the Government of the United States, the Government of Panama, through its Ambassador in Washington, takes the liberty of presenting certain petitions and, because it considers them of prime importance to the economic, industrial, and political development of the country, it would be especially pleased to see them favorably received by the Government of the United States of America.

The said petitions are set forth in general terms as follows:

That the aqueduct of the cities of Panama and Colón, now in the hands of the Panama Canal Administration, be transferred to the Government of Panama.
That Panama acquire the lands belonging to the Compañía del Ferrocarril [Railroad Company]20 which, pursuant to the contract signed with the Government of Colombia and approved on August 15, 1867, are to revert to the Republic in August 1966.
That an equitable arrangement be reached to prevent contraband and the ruinous competition that the commissaries are at present causing in Panamanian commerce. The commissions created by the Treaty of 1936 have not produced the hoped-for result, more than anything else because of the changed situation brought about by the influx of immigrants for the construction of the third set of locks.
That the Government of the United States build a tunnel under the Canal or a bridge over it, which would be constantly open to the unrestricted traffic of Panamanian vehicles. From the military point of view, this measure would be of great value in the defense of the Canal and, furthermore, it is urgently needed for traffic between the capital and the interior of the Republic.
That highways which the Government of the United States may construct in territory under Panamanian jurisdiction be jointly patrolled for purposes of absolute security for Panama and for the Canal Zone.
That the Jamaicans brought in for construction work on the Canal be repatriated and that a formal promise be given not to bring in any more contingents. That the workers needed for the Canal works be engaged in Panama and, in the absence of a sufficient number, that they be brought from Latin American countries, provided that they do not belong to races whose immigration is prohibited by the Panamanian Constitution.
That municipal agents of the Canal Zone police do not bear arms of any kind while they are in territory under Panamanian jurisdiction, retaining only their clubs.
That when so requested by the Government, the Alhajuela Dam supply Panama with electric power at a price not to exceed one cent per kilowatt-hour.
That the Government of the United States pay the entire cost of the highway at least as far as Río Hato, and that it reimburse the amount already paid by the Republic of Panama.
That the railroad move the station to another part of the territory under United States jurisdiction, and that the present yard and other sites now occupied by it be cleared and transferred to Panama, to permit the widening of the thoroughfare between the residential districts and the center of the city.
That in the event of the interruption of traffic on the highways of the Republic by the transportation of war matériel or troops of the United States, reasonable compensation be granted to Panama.
That the United States Government cede to the Government of Panama adequate space near the Balboa wharves for the installation of three tanks for petroleum, gasoline, etc., the capacities of which will be determined later.

  1. Brackets appear in the file translation.