
The Cuban Minister of State (Cortina) to the American Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith)31


Mr. Ambassador: We beg to state that the Government of Cuba is agreeable to the provisional agreements32 signed by the military representatives of both Governments, and without prejudice to the final agreement that is to be negotiated and concluded with regard to these important matters.

In consideration of these agreements and conferences, in which it was agreed, among other particulars, to determine the needs of the Cuban Army and Navy to improve their equipment and their preparation for defense, in the purposes of military cooperation with the United States of America in the event that this might be necessary, this Government has requested the respective Chiefs of the Army and Navy to prepare a note as to their most urgent needs, without prejudice to setting forth, in subsequent notes, the less urgent needs and those of evident convenience.

To this end we have received from said military organizations the attached note which we proceed to explain.

  • Annex No. 1.33 This Annex contains the most urgent needs of the Cuban Navy, with regard to which immediate cooperation is desired.
  • Annex No. 2.33 Annex No. 2 contains the most urgent and immediate needs of the Cuban Army, which we would also desire be attended to as soon as possible, without prejudice to later suggestions of greater importance, less urgent or of evident convenience, as may be required by the growing needs of military defense and cooperation between Cuba and the United States of America.

This Ministry transmits these requests to the Government of the United States with the purpose that they be given the best possible attention and consideration.

I avail myself [etc.]

J. M. Cortina
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 1911, April 20; received April 22.
  2. Agreements of September 2, 1940, not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.