
The Acting Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Bonsal) to the Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith)

Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have your letter of June 5, 1941,9 with which was enclosed a copy of your letter of the same date to Mr. Welles,9 and of your despatch no. 21329 concerning a United States service mission for Cuba and your failure to this date to receive any word from the Navy Department on the supplementary zone around the Guantánamo Naval Station.

I concur with your suggestion in the last paragraph of despatch no. 2132 to the effect that action on the mission may be deferred until the Cuban Government again takes the initiative.

In addition to the suggestions relative to the scope of a mission that might be made by the Cuban authorities, suggestions should be expected from your military and naval attachés as to proper functions. The nature of the training required in Cuba in conjunction with the military material to be furnished under the Lend-Lease program should have an important bearing on your Attaché’s suggestions.

Orme Wilson10 informs me that Captain Weyler of the Naval Station at Guantánamo is now in Washington. Mr. Wilson has received word from Navy that the matter of the zone is under consideration by Captain Weyler, Captain Schuirmann and Captain McGuire, and that something definite will be ready by June 17. Should this be the case, I will be glad to communicate with you further in this regard.

With cordial regards,

Sincerely yours,

P[hilip] W B[onsal]
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Liaison Officer of the Department of State, attached to the Office of the Under Secretary of State.