740.0011 Pacific War/1032: Telegram

The President of Bolivia (Peñaranda) to President Roosevelt


I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government, in Cabinet meeting, has issued the following decree: [Page 72]

Enrique Peñaranda C., Constitutional President of the Republic,

Considering, that the purposes of cooperation of the Bolivian Government and people with the other nations of the continent are unshakeable; that the traditional bonds which unite them with those nations have been translated into formal, legal engagements based on the policy of relation of the American countries; that respect for the principles of international law as the rule and guarantee of common existence of nations is a Bolivian doctrine; that, accordingly, it rejects acts of unjustified aggression;

With the affirmative opinion of the Council of Ministers decrees:

  • Art. 1. The Government of Bolivia stands solidly with the United States and with the other American countries which have declared war on Japan and will give the cooperation provided in resolution No. XV of Habana.
  • Art. 2. The Government of Bolivia will not consider as a belligerent any American Republic which, in defense of its rights, is in a state of war.
  • Art. 3. Nationals of the countries of the Axis resident in national territory will be subject to strict supervision.
  • Art. 4. The funds of bank accounts and securities of Japanese individuals and corporations are immobilized.
  • Art. 5. Postal, telegraphic and radiotelegraphic control with respect to the interior and exterior of the country is established and with respect to all means of propaganda which may attack the international position of the Republic and the democratic regime established.
  • Art. 6. Mining operations, railroads, airdromes, radiotelegraphic stations, oil wells, factories, etc. will be tinder armed guard.

The Ministers are charged with the execution and fulfillment of the present decree. Given in the Palace of Government of the City of La Paz, the 10th day of the month of December, nineteen hundred and forty-one. General Enrique Peñaranda—Eduardo Anze Matienzo—Adolfo Vilar—Joaquin Espada—Alberto Crespo Gutierrez—Justo Rodas Eguino—Arturo Pinto Escalier—General J. Miguel Candia. A true copy, José Eduardo Guerra, Chief Clerk of Foreign Affairs.

In informing Your Excellency of this decision, it is an honor to express my admiratioil of the historic discourse which you gave yesterday, the firmness, moral elevation and juridical contents of which give dignity to humanity and safeguard the conquests of civilization. I offer your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.

General Enrique Peñaranda