
The Chilean Ambassador (Michels) to the Secretary of State

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, with best thanks, of Your Excellency’s communication of December 9, 1941, in which my attention was drawn to the offer made by the Government of the United States in the interest of hemisphere defense to furnish the Government of Chile with armament valued at $50,000,000 under the terms of the Lease-Lend Act of March 11, 1941. It was duly noted that the budgetary limitations required that the funds shall be obligated not later than February 28, 1942, and as a consequence Your Excellency suggested that the official lists of the desired equipment be presented to the appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States at the earliest possible date in order that steps might be taken toward the procurement of the material.

I beg leave to bring to Your Excellency’s notice that I am now in receipt of proper instructions which will enable me to proceed with the matter, and every effort will be made on my part to satisfy the budgetary limitation requiring the funds to be obligated before February 28, 1942.61

Accept [etc.]

R. Michels
  1. The Lend-Lease Agreement was not finally concluded, however, until March 2, 1943.