811.20 Defense (M)/2213

The Bolivian Minister (Guachalla) to the Secretary of State


Excellency: With the signature yesterday of an obligatory contract93 for three years between Metals Reserve Company and the producers of Bolivian tungsten, the intention of which is to cover production in its entirety of that mineral in Bolivia, a second happy result has been reached—after the tin contract was signed in November last—in the plan of mutual economic cooperation which animates our respective Governments.

For this reason I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government fully approves this contract and guarantees the fulfillment of its terms on the part of the various signers thereof. The said guarantee with relation to the shipments will be exercised in accordance with the usual administrative measures for keeping a [Page 460] check on exportation and Your Excellency is assured that their issuance in due time will prevent any misunderstanding.

I have added my signature to that of the producers of Bolivian tungsten in representation of the Banco Minero de Bolivia (the Bolivian Mining Bank) and by special instructions received from that important institution of my country which, in its turn, represents according to law numerous smaller enterprises in their relations abroad.

In expressing to Your Excellency my thanks for the valued cooperation which was constantly rendered me by the Department of State, I have the honor [etc.]

Luis Guachalla
  1. English text not printed; for Spanish text, see Bolivia, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Bolefin Oficial, Mayo–Agosto 1941, número 7, p. 149.