The Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Gutiérrez) to the American
Minister in Bolivia (Jenkins)41
No. P. y D. 334
Paz, May 19, 1941.
Mr. Minister: With reference to the valued
confidential note No. 128 of your Legation, dated the 7th of April,40 I have the honor to
[Page 418]
inform Your Excellency that
the conditions proposed by the most excellent American Government for
sending a Military Aviation Mission to Bolivia, have been accepted by
the Ministry of Defense.
In order that Your Excellency may be more completely informed, I am
attaching hereto copies of the communications exchanged in this
connection between this Office and the Ministry referred to.
In accordance with the request of the Legation in your worthy charge, I
am also attaching a schedule of the salaries received by the chiefs,
officers, and enlisted men of our Army.
In expressing to Your Excellency my profound pleasure at this
understanding, which makes the signing of the respective contract
feasible, I take pleasure in reiterating to Your Excellency the
assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.
A[lberto] Ostria
The Bolivian Minister of National Defense
Galindo) to the Bolivian
Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ostria Gutiérrez)
No. 2/4/125
Paz, May 16, 1941.
Mr. Minister: With reference to your kind
communication No. P. y D. 234 of April 15,42 elaborating on the contents
of my confidential note No. 2/2/122, dated the 5th instant, I take
pleasure in informing you that this Office accepts points Nos. 1, 2,
3 and 4, as proposed in the note under reference.
With regard to point 5, 1 must inform your Office that in accordance
with the clauses of the corresponding contract, the Italian Mission
will conclude its functions at the expiration of the Military
scholastic year, that is to say, this coming October.
In accordance with the request contained in the last paragraph of
your note under reference, I take pleasure in sending you herewith
the schedule of compensation of the chiefs, officers, and enlisted
men of our Army.42
I take this opportunity, Mr. Minister, to reiterate the assurances of
my highest and most distinguished consideration.
[For text of agreement between the United States and Bolivia
providing for a military aviation mission from the United States
to Bolivia, signed and effective September 4, 1941, see
Department of State Executive Agreement Series No. 219, or 55
Stat. (pt. 2) 1338.]