856A.20/55: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister to the Netherlands Government in Exile ( Biddle ), at London

Netherlands Series No. 36. Your Netherlands Series 33, October 23, 8 p.m.

On behalf of the President, please convey to Queen Wilhelmina an expression of his deep appreciation of the action which she and her Government have taken. The President regards Her Majesty’s decision, which was taken after a full and friendly exchange of his and her views, as a further token of the integrity of the association between the United States and the Netherlands Governments in their defense against the menace of the aggressor powers. You may also give similar assurances of the appreciation of this Government to the Foreign Minister and other officials.
With respect to paragraph 4 of your telegram you may inform the Foreign Minister that we will, of course, cooperate in taking any measures designed to prevent information regarding the military situation in Surinam from reaching Axis hands, since we have no less an interest in the security of the United States forces in Surinam than the Netherlands Government have in the security of their own forces.