368.1115/222: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

1903. Following is translation of message received today from Athens via the Foreign Office:

301, May 6th. Approximately 60 American citizens desire to leave Greece as well as presumably a further number of American citizens of Greek racial affinity and a few South American diplomats and citizens. This does not include members of those missions who may receive instructions to go elsewhere. The German authorities have informed me that permission to leave can be issued shortly. On the other hand it is possible that railway traffic will not be restored in Greece for some time and departure by automobile to Salonika and thence by rail would involve serious difficulties with respect to financial, visa and baggage questions. Most of the Americans are in a position to pay the transportation costs immediately after their arrival in the United States but many of them are temporarily not solvent due to the freezing of credits. I should therefore be very grateful if the State Department in cooperation with the Red Cross whose representatives I have now consulted would examine the possibility of sending an American or other neutral ship to transport the passengers in question to Lisbon or direct to the United States. I should like to add that several members of the American colony, including Roy Gausmann of the Water Company, Rodney Young (group garbled) New York Post are at present seriously ill.

Is the State Department’s telegram number 124 of November 30th, 1939,20 still valid in view of the blocking of accounts or would it authorize this Legation to draw a check and advance funds for repatriation of American citizens against an undertaking to repay. As for myself I should be grateful if the Department would call me home for consultation or authorize me to take home leave before I go elsewhere. MacVeagh.
