740.0011 European War 1939/17478: Telegram
The Consul at Leopoldville (Mallon) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 13—1:01 p.m.]
For Miles from Cunningham.
“High Commissioner has just asked General de Gaulle for permission to occupy Madagascar making landing in south which is unfortified. British to furnish transport and naval support.
I suggested Hitler will likely demand something of Spain, and Portugal must follow Spain. Alert should therefore be given to be prepared for following: Free French occupy Spanish Guinea and Cabinda; British occupy Fernando Po and Santome; Belgians and South Africans occupy Angola. Colonies listed are weakly held by poor units, plans are prepared and warning will go out today.
In view of situation my work would be greatly facilitated if I were designated liaison officer with British, Free French and Belgians for West and Equatorial Africa and Governments concerned were promptly notified. Information would thus be given me more readily and military planes of all three forces would be available for my movements. Suggest that if possible Signal Corps codes be sent me by next clipper to permit more direct communication with you.
Since cashing drafts may become difficult suggest that instead of having Higgins deposit confidential funds in bank to my credit as requested in clipper letter just leaving suggest you send me $1,000 confidential funds in cash by next clipper.
If plan for occupation Martinique and Guadeloupe is carried out, most strongly recommend that representative of Free France for example Deseyes accompany expedition to become in name High Commissioner of the islands for Free France. Value of such for propaganda and counterpropaganda will be obvious. [Cunningham.]”