
The French Ambassador (Henry-Haye) to the Secretary of State


The Ambassador of France has the honor to take note of the verbal assurances given to him by the Department of State relative to the immediate release of the crews landed from the French merchant vessels which were immobilized in the ports of the United States and the maintenance of the previous legal status of the vessels in question on board which the French flag continues to fly.

[Page 536]

In spite of the provisions in question and the prior notice of some hours given before the landing of the crews, the Ambassador of France finds himself obliged to note that the decision of the Federal Government is of a unilateral character and, while awaiting the instructions of his government, he is constrained to make all reservations regarding the measures which have been taken and the consequences which may result therefrom. He would be grateful to His Excellency the Secretary of State if he would be good enough to make known to him the measures which the Federal Government intends to take to safeguard and, if the case arises, to make compensation for the material interests which have been jeopardized by this actual dispossession.

Mr. Henry-Haye is happy [etc.]