124.516/362: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

1319. From Paris. Berlin’s 1266, April 4, 4 p.m., to Department.74 Further efforts to use the German official pouch service in Paris have resulted in the return of five packages of mail, mostly for Department, accompanied by the following note dated May 2 from that service.

“The letter censorship office, 93 Boulevard du Montparnasse, has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States of America that in accordance with the circular note of the German Embassy of October 19, 1940, only official mail—the personal letters between diplomatic representatives accredited in Vichy and their offices in Paris and vice versa—can be forwarded through the messenger post established therefor.

The letters which have been delivered here are chiefly destined for other countries beyond Vichy and are therefore kept at your disposal for collection here.”

Repeated to Berlin.

  1. Not printed.