740.00112 European War 1939/3067: Telegram
The Consul General at Algiers (Cole) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10 a.m.]
343. From Murphy. The North African press carried in the issues of July 21 and July 22 front page items of a communiqué authorized by General Weygand regarding the arrival of the first shipments under the plan of economic cooperation between the United States and North Africa. This is the result of several conversations with Weygand’s services during the past weeks. There was Vichy opposition but the General insisted on a fair amount of publicity. He feels on the other hand that it should not be exaggerated to the point of arousing German opposition which might take the form of a stricture on the use of French shipping in the North African traffic.
Code text by air mail to Vichy, Tangier, Casablanca and Tunis. [Murphy.]