859B.7962/3: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Godthaab (Penfield)

13. 1. We have given very careful thought to the representations made to us by the Canadian Government regarding the establishment of landing fields in Greenland since fundamental principles of great importance to this Government are obviously involved. Three general desiderata have been in our minds: First, the United States considers Greenland to be in the Western Hemisphere and therefore included within the general scope of the Monroe Doctrine; Second, the United States has a certain dominant interest in Greenland arising [Page 38] out of considerations of national and hemispheric defense (the importance of this aspect is underlined by the recent German air attack on Iceland); Third, the policy of the United States with respect to Greenland since the outbreak of the war has been to guard against Greenland being drawn into the scope of belligerent operations and to respect Danish sovereignty in Greenland.

2. We have determined as a first step to send experts to Greenland to ascertain whether it would be practicable from the standpoint of expense, construction time, etc., to build airplane landing facilities at suitable points. If the experts’ report is favorable it is our intention so to inform the Greenland authorities and to open negotiations with them, as the representatives of the Danish Government in Greenland, with a view to working out an arrangement by which they will construct the facilities as a Greenland undertaking, but with the financial and technical assistance of the United States. Should such negotiations eventuate it would be made clear that our cooperation in constructing and/or operating the landing fields would be limited to the duration of the emergency; that any arrangements would be entered into with respect on our part for Danish sovereignty in Greenland; and that such arrangements would at an appropriate time be taken up by us with the Danish Government for ratification, revision, or termination.

3. In the event that landing fields are constructed under the conditions mentioned we envisage an arrangement which would assimilate their use to the general scheme of hemispheric defense and open them to the planes of all the American nations.

4. It is important that the foregoing be kept strictly confidential and accordingly we do not wish you to volunteer to the Greenland authorities any of the thoughts we have outlined except, in your discretion, those contained in paragraph 1. You may, however, use the contents of this telegram for your guidance and background and as your own ideas should Governor Svane introduce these topics into his conversations with you.
