740.00112 European War 1939/2417
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)5
The Attachéd telegram from Tangier, No. 84, of March 27, 3 p.m.,5a indicates that General Weygand is taking a strong stand against the sending of more Germans to North Africa, and that in adopting this attitude he is relying to a great extent on the prospect of our economic assistance. Moreover, it appears that the British Consul General, who had previously been the source of reports that 250 additional Germans were coming to Morocco, is now in receipt of information that as a result of Weygand’s stand these need no longer be expected.
In view of these developments there would seem to be no important reason why our plans for economic aid to North Africa should not now proceed. I hope therefore that as soon as Mr. Murphy arrives from Vichy and we have had an opportunity to obtain his views, we may give our early attention to the renewal of negotiations initiated some time ago with M. Paul Guérin, authorized representative of the French authorities in this matter.