893.102 Tientsin/581: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

153. Our 25, January 17, 6 p.m. We were informed upon inquiry at the British Embassy this morning that contact had been reestablished by the British Ambassador9 with the Japanese Government over the Tientsin silver question; that Craigie had on March 4 made certain proposals to the Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs,10 of which the most important was the setting aside of 100,000 pounds of the silver for relief purposes; and that the Japanese Foreign Office had promised a formal reply within a few days. Our informant added that there were good indications that the Japanese Government would accept the British proposals.

Peiping please repeat to Tientsin, Chungking.

  1. Sir Robert L. Craigie.
  2. Masayuki Tani.