Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation With the British Ambassador (Lothian)
[Washington,] April 17, 1940.
The Ambassador with much interest inquired as to what this Government planned to do in regard to the utterances of Foreign Minister Arita at Tokyo, concerning the status quo of the Netherlands Indies.19 I replied that I had just completed a public statement and that I hoped to get it to the press during the evening (it was then between 5 and 6 o’clock). I then proceeded to give him a very brief summary of the points presented.20
He expressed himself as being entirely satisfied with the views which I had set forth in the statement.
C[ordell] H[ull]
- See press release issued by the Japanese Embassy in Washington, April 15, Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, vol. ii, p. 281.↩
- See press release issued by the Department on April 17, ibid.↩