893.01/846: Telegram

The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Paxton) to the Secretary of State

127. An article published in the local Chinese press this morning states that it was decided yesterday that Mr. Wang Ching-wei should assume office as “Chairman of the National Government” this morning, the necessary changes in the regulations governing the organization of the National Government having been agreed to by the “Central Political Council” in Nanking. These changes consist of modification of article XI of the regulations which prohibited the Chairman of the National Government from shouldering any actual political responsibility and article XII which forbade the Chairman to hold other concurrent official post.

The resolution appointing Mr. Wang to this new office charged the delay in filling this post since “the return of the National Government” to Nanking to “the delusion of the contumacious elements in Chungking” and stated that although Government employees of all ranks are inclined to peace they are unable to return to “the capital” owing to lack of communications. It continued that the Chairman of the “National Government” is the head of the nation, both in internal and foreign relations, and that the post has too long remained substantively unfilled and therefore proposed that it be assumed by Wang immediately.

Confirmation of the assumption of office has been received from local official contacts.

Sent to the Department. Repeated to Chungking, Peiping. By mail to Tokyo.
