793.94119/683: Telegram

The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Paxton) to the Secretary of State

117. Nanking’s 107, October 16, 6 p.m.,63 Wang-Japanese negotiations. In a conversation recently Hidaka, Counselor of Embassy of the Japanese Embassy, said that the treaty was receiving final consideration [Page 432] in Tokyo and would be formally signed “within a few weeks”. In reply to a direct question he stated that this, which he said would imply Japanese recognition, would occur before the end of December and would probably be followed by early recognition by Germany and Italy in the form of appointment of ambassadors to the Wang Ching Wei regime. He added gratuitously that as the treaty was between Japan and China no other nation would be invited to adhere to it.

Sent to the Department; repeated to Chungking and Peiping; by mail to Tokyo and Shanghai.

  1. Not printed.