852.48/749: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Weddell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:25 p.m.]
550. Department’s 250, October 12, 3 p.m. I today communicated to the Foreign Minister the appropriate portions of the telegram under acknowledgment and handed him a copy of the proposed statement to be released in Washington and Madrid. He said he would like to study this with the Caudillo and would promptly inform me. He indicated his desire that “the Chief of State” be substituted for “Spanish Government” in the first paragraph to rather emphasize that the arrangement resulted from initiatives of the two chief executives; and further that he would like a paragraph to be added indicating that credit negotiations between the two Governments were pending in order to forestall criticism of a seeming acceptance of charity by his Government, adding that the satisfaction of the Spanish people would nullify adverse comment when it was known that credit arrangements were in process of being concluded.
The Minister further indicated that Cadiz would be a better discharge port since need exists especially in Andalusia. He desires to consult with his ministerial colleagues before deciding whether wheat or flour is desired. He emphasized the necessity of quick action remarking that the next 30 days would be particularly difficult.
With regard to credits the Minister asked if information could not be promptly given concerning terms. I inquired if it was the intention of his Government to put their needs in a more exact and definite form. He said no and that the figure of 800,000 tons of cereal before the next crop in June (see my telegram No. 528, September 30, 11 p.m.) was the essential and pressing need. He added that there were other needs such as cotton, raw material and equipment and that he would be grateful to have something definite as to our ideas with regard to credits to cover these. I expect to see the Caudillo Wednesday.