[Editorial Note]
[On August 3, 1936, the Lithuanian Chargé acknowledged receipt from the Department of State of a draft consular convention and stated he was forwarding the draft to his Government for suggestions. In a note of October 9, 1937, the Department inquired of the Lithuanian Minister whether the Legation was prepared to proceed further with negotiations for a consular convention (711.60M21/25). The Minister replied on October 19 that the matter was still being given consideration, but had been delayed because of negotiations regarding the Naturalization and Military Service Treaty which was signed on October 18, 1937 (Department of State Treaty Series No. 936), and which had been given preference (711.60M21/34). The Lithuanian Minister next informed the Department on September 6, 1939, that his Government was now anxious to speed up the conclusion of this convention (711.60M21/38). The suggestions that the Lithuanian Government desired to make in connection with the draft convention were submitted on November 1, 1939 (711.60M21/40). A consular convention with Lithuania was signed on May 10, 1940. It was sent to the Senate May 20 but on September 26 the Senate without objection agreed to return the convention to the Secretary of State, without the advice and consent of the Senate to its ratification, in view of the political changes effected through military operations in Europe since the convention was signed (Congressional Record, volume 86, part 11, page 12670). No further action on the convention was taken by the Department.]